Saturday, March 3, 2012

As we sailed cross th' deepest part of th' ocean a dreadful storm arose. Th' wind drove us over with their furies n' th' skies broke open with fire n' thunder! Then, lo, we beheld th' waters seeth n' writhe with steaming mist n' sulfurous stench, as th' coils of th' Kraken's tentacles rose up from th' churning depths t' grip our rigging! Men cried in horror as th' ill tempered sea beast lashed at our ship n' snatched them from her decks! Those what had th' nerve stood n' battled th' titanic creature, which only served t' augment its rancor. No shot, nor blade, nor harpoon sharp n' keen would stay th' creatures wrath as it splintered wood n' bone! Though we prayed to what gods would hear us, none answered as one by one we were dragged into the deep! Now we be asleep in th' ocean, killed one n' all by Neptune's plaything until time ends n' we rise up once again!
 Blue Gryphon fiddlin' round with his favorite 3D Rendering software, Vue Infinite, from e-on Software. Image created with 3D objects (Kraken, Pirate Ship, Infinite Water Plane) n' rendered in 3D space using custom atmospheric n' light settings. Additional work done in post process using PhotoShop fer frame, image tweaks, n' sig. 


  1. Hmm...I think I'd rather like bein' Neptune's plaything........... :D

    Most beauteous art work, mate! Ye've a talent fer it!

    And fer word smithin' as well! ;)

    1. Thank ye kindly fer yer words, Ms. Mimi Foxmorton!

  2. All those arms grabbin' everywhere. Reminds me of my last date.

    1. Sounds like yer last date was a proper rouge n' a scoundrel! Successful date then?
