Sunday, February 5, 2012

The first post of a blogging Pirate!

Ahoy mates! This here be me first blogging post as a salty pirate explorin' th' uncharted blog infested waters of th' inter-web without so much as a map, chart, or compass! Daring n' reckless, to say th' least, but I be a Pirate n' feel compelled t' spill me guts about whatever be passin' thru me mind.

Cast yer eyes to these coordinates from time t' time t' see what I may have scrawled here!

Captain Gryphon

May Neptune help us all!

Blue Gryphon


  1. Arrrrrr, ye scoundrels, scallywags, and blatherskites be welcome to leave yer scrawl here! Keep yer verbiage clean and keep th; peace, else I be obliged t' carve out yer comments with me trusty cutlass and feed ye t' th' deep abyss!

    Blue Gryphon

  2. Oooooooooooooo! Oooooo! My eyes deceive me not! The skunkmaster has a blog! A fine start indeed. I do admire your feathered hat and brocaded coat in your introductory photo. The background is making me a wee bit aflustered...I shouldn't have had that last glass of wine! Welcome to the blogosphere, mate!

    1. Ahoy, Claire! Many thanks fer yer scrawls of encouragement! Th' coat is a shade ostentatious, however if th' hat makes th' man, then th' coat completes th' hat and th' plumage which so many feathered friends worked so hard t' sacrifice fer meself! As an aside, ye should not be drinkin' that wine, as it be bad fer yer health, I recommend th' rum meself!

  3. It was inevitable considering the company you keep! Quite the dashing Captain you are.

    1. Aye, I sail with a questionable crew, despicable and unruly, the lot of em! Dashing his self be th' chief worry of a pirate captain who finds his self navigating perilously through uncharted blogging waters. I stand in appreciation of your scribbles!

  4. Let me know if you need a goat for your crew. I'm a very adventurous goat!

    1. Arrrrrr, I be gettin' me usual dose of goat in th' form of goat cheese! However, th' staccato pattering of sharp hooves on me deck would only serve t' raise me rancor t' new heights!

  5. Me too! Me too! You could have an all goat crew!!!!! Yo ho!

  6. Ha. "It was inevitable considering the company you keep."

    Truer words were ne'er spoken.

    Welcome aboard, mate! Let's us entertain you!

    ~The Fox

    1. Aye, Fox! With th' present crew, we're all goin' t' hell in a hand basket! That should prove entertainment enough!

  7. Ah, Helena Handbasket. Sailed wit' her once upon a time.
    Decent lass. Let me borry her knickers of a weekend.
